We are ambitious women who believe that together we are more than just the sum of ourselves as individuals. We connect extraordinary women and enable each other to create great things, based on our strengths, talents and personalities. Personalities that couldn’t be more different, and that together form our unique collective: IVY. We inspire and are inspired. We strive for trusting relationships – for empathy, authenticity, respect and honesty.

IVY. Inspired. Valued. You.
We want to build a platform where women can always network,
share and empower each other, not like in any other stiff business club,
but in a relaxed and familiar atmosphere.
We share real insights and inspire each other with both small and
big things we do in our everyday lives.
We communicate at eye level and appreciate each other –
because trust is the heart of our collective.
We share real success and failure stories and treat them confidentially –
just as you would with a friend.
Everything is centered around us.
Creating space for each Ivy is important to us.
Because there is no WE without YOU. YOU are the Collective.
Collaboration over Competition.
Two of our essential characteristics are hidden in the IVY name. As a plant,
ivy can take over entire buildings, roots deep, but always growing upwards
towards the sun. We too have a clear standing, know who we are and never
tire of growing and developing. If we would make a parallel to prestigious
Ivy League colleges in the United States, it is a seal of quality. As a
boutique collective, we always focus on quality rather than
Instead of 3 angels for Charlie – 3 reasons for IVY.
IVY boosts your business. We offer access to resources such as business partners, people of interest, mentors, coaches and more. Last but not least, the IVY Female Collective serves as a career springboard for each of us.
We connect women who share the same mindset and ambitions, and experience shows this leads to life-long friendships. As a bonus, you can always look forward to our great after-work event highlights in exclusive, unique locations.
The stage is yours. At our IVY o’Clock events you can introduce yourself, share your story or present a project that is close to your heart. There is no WE without YOU!
We see the strengths of every IVY.
Success is no accident.
Je ne regrette rien.
Do it with attitude or don’t do it at all.
I eat ’no‘ for breakfast.
Not what you know defines your value, but what you share.
Change is only one heartbeat away.
Like-minded, ambitious women connect to develop, inspire and have a brilliant time together – does it get any better than that? We don’t think so, and that’s exactly what we offer at our events.
Past IVY O’Clock Events:
- Easy Geldanlage /// Jessica Schwarzer
- Das Geheimnis erfolgreicher Menschen /// Markus Lennackers, CEO von Herzbluttiger Events & People
- Neuerfindung des Heimtrainers /// Andrea Drewick, Marketing DirectorPeloton
- Female Empowerment /// Katharina Heilen,
- Resilienz /// Dr. Ben Hartwig, CEO von Neuroblitz
- Next Generation Food” /// Fabio Ziemssen, Founder & Director von Food Innovation NX-FOOD / Metro AG
- „Future of Recruiting“ /// Thomas Hartenfels, Director Robert Walters Düsseldorf & Köln
- “Disruption im Würzregal” /// Florian Falk, Gründer und CEO von Just Spices
- “Karriere im Vertrieb” /// Claudia Lenders, Head of Consumer Sales Retail & Digital bei Vodafone
- Nutzt Du dein Potential /// Katharina Placke, Associate metaBeratung
Keep up-to-date with us through our social media channels! Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn.
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You like our way of thinking? Join our Female Empowerment Movement! You have two options:
- Be a digital Ivy supporter: follow us on Instagram, share our articles & inspire women in your personal network
- Become an official member of the Ivy Female Collective. Get recommended by an Ivy member or email info@ivyfemalecollective.com and tell us why you would like to join us. Please include your LinkedIn account. If your profile passes the pre-selection process, we will invite you to one of our future events to get to know you personally. Our network believes in building a circle of women who are in close contact with each other, which means we cannot accept all applications. We would be very happy if you would still be part of our digital movement!